Physics Guess Paper 9th Class 2019 ~ Zornia Khas Education Tips& Tricks

Physics Guess Paper 9th Class 2019

Physics Guess Paper 9th Class 2019

Short Question
branches, scientfc notations&exampl, base/derivd units&exampls, physical&elctronic balanc, signifcant figurs, zero eror, rest&motion, scalar&vector, linear&random/ circular&rotatry motion, distance&displacemnt, acelration, speed,vlocity, dynamics, mass&weight, inertia, newton 1st&3rd law, centriptal¢rifugal force, limiting friction&eq,friction&its reducing, bankng of road,cream seprators, momnt arm,centr of gravity,couple, law of gravitation&eq, difernt valus of g, like&unlik forcs,stable&neutral equlibrum,uses of comuncation satelite,work&joul, enrgy&4typs, power&watt,k.e&p.
Long Question
2nd&3rd eq of motion, newton 1st&2nd law, importanc of vector quantitis,law of consrvation of momentm, 1st condition of equlibrum, braking&skidng,centripetal force,mas of earth, use of conductor&non condctnrs, motion of artificial satlite, pascal law&hydralic pres,archimedes princple, kinetic enrgy,pressur&formula, submarin&ship,thermal expansion&eq of linear thrmal expansn.

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