2nd Year Physics Guess paper ~ Zornia Khas Education Tips& Tricks

2nd Year Physics Guess paper

2nd Year Physics Guess paper 

2nd Year Physics Guess paper
2nd Year Physics Guess paper 

2nd Year Physics Important Long Questions 2018

    • Define electrostatics and how is it applied in xerography? Unit 12
      State & explain Ohm’s law. Unit 13
    • What is potentiometer? Explain its principle & working. Unit 13
      State Ampere’s law and apply it to find the magnetic field due to current carrying solenoid. Unit 14
    • Derive the relation of force on a moving charge in a constant magnetic field. Unit 14
      Describe the principle, construction and working of a galvanometer. How it is converted into (i) ammeter (ii) voltmeter. Unit 14
    • State and drive Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction. Unit 15
      Derive an expression for the energy stored in an inductor. Define energy density, Unit 15
    • What is transformer? Describe its principle, construction and theory Unit 15
      Write the effect of capacitor only in A.C circuit. Define reactance and write a expression for reactance of capacitor. Unit 16
    • Define impedance. Discuss alternating current through R-L series circuit. Unit 16
      Draw and explain RLC series circuit. Write the properties of the series resonance. Unit 16
    • Define strain. Find out strain energy in deformed materials. How can it be determined from the force extension graph? Unit 17
      Explain energy band theory on the basis of this theory categorize the kinds of solids. Unit 17
    • What is rectification? Explain full wave rectification by bridge rectifier? Unit 18
      What is transistor? How transistor us used as an amplifier? Unit 18
    • What is operational amplifier? Find the gain op-amp as non-inverting amplifier? Unit 18
      State the special theory of relativity with postulates and explain the results. Unit 19
    • Write a note on Compton’s effect. Also derive Einstein equation. Unit 19
      State and explain Heisenberg’s Uncertainity principle. Unit 19
    • Compute the shortest wavelength radiation in the Balmer series. What value of “n” must be used? Unit 20
      Calculate the longest wavelength radiation for the paschen series? Unit 20
    • Write the postulates of Bohr’s atomic model. Also write de-Broglie’s interpretation of Bohr’s orbit. Unit 20
      What is mass spectrograph? How is it used to find the mass of isotopes? Unit 21
    • Explain the principle, construction and working of Geiger Muller counter. Unit 21
      What is nuclear fission? Explain fission chain reaction and the controlled reaction in the reactor. Unit 21

Important Short Questions of Physics 2nd Year Chapter Wise

Unit 12
  • Define electric force and electrostatics.
  • Electric lines of force never cross one another. Why?
  • Suppose that you follow an electric field line due to a positive point charge. Do electric field and potential increase or decrease?
  • Is E necessarily zero inside a charge rubber balloon if balloon is spherical and assumer charge in uniformly distributed over the surface?
  • Do electrons tend to go to region of high potential or of low potential?
  • Convert 1 joule into electron volt.
  • How can you identify that which plate of a capacitor is positively charged?
  • Describe the force or forces on a positive point charge when placed b/w parallel plates
    (a) With similar and equal charges
    (b) With opposite and equal charge
Unit 13
  • Define conventional current and electronic Current
  • What are the difficulties in testing whether the filament of a lighted bulb obeys Ohm’s law?
  • Why does the resistance of a conductor rise with temperature?
  • Do bends in wire affect the electrical resistance? Explain.
  • Is the filament resistance lower or higher in a 500w 220v light bulb then in 100W 220V bulb?
  • Describe a circuit which will give a continuously varying potential.
  • Explain why the terminal potential difference of battery decreases when the current drawn form it is increased?
  • State Kirchhoff’s rule.
  • What is Wheatstone bridge? Sketch its circuit diagram.
Unit 14
  • If a charged particle moves in a straight line through some region of space can you say that magnetic field in the region is zero?
  • Describe the change in magnetic field inside of solenoid carrying a steady current if length of solenoid is doubled but number of turns remains the same.
  • Why does the picture on a TV. screen become distorted when a magnet is brought near the Screen
  • How can you use a magnetic field to separate isotopes of chemical element?
  • What is meant by Lorentz force?
  • Define galvanometer and cathode ray oscilloscope.
  • Name main parts of CRO.
  • What is Sweep generator?
  • What should be the orientation of current carrying loop in a magnetic field so that torque acting upon it is
    (i) maximum
  • Define current sensitivity of a galvanometer.
  • Why the resistance of an ammeter should be very low?
  • Why a voltmeter should have very high resistance?
Unit 15
  • Define induced emf and induced current
  • Does the induced emf always act to decrease the magnetic flux through a circuit?
  • In a certain region the earth’s magnetic field point vertically down, when a plane flies due to north, which wingtip is positively charged?
  • Show that fand have the same unit.
  • Verify that an Ohm times faraday is equivalent to second.
  • Name the factors upon which the self inductance depends?
  • What is difference b/w motor and generator?
  • Can a D.C motor be turned into a D.C. generator? What changes are required to be done?
  • Can a step up transformer increase the power level? Explain.
  • Does the induced emf in a circuit depend on the resistance of the circuit? Does the induced current depend as the resistance of the circuit?
  • Write down the methods to improve the efficiency of transformer.

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Unit 16
  • A sinusoidal current rms(effective) value of 10A. What is the maximum peak value?
  • How many times per second will an incandescent lamp reach maximum brilliance when connected to a 50 Hz source?
  • How does doubling the frequency affect the reactance of a capacitor?
  • In an R-L circuit with current lead ot lag the voltage. Explain by vector diagram.
  • What is choke? What is its main use?
  • Explain the condition under which electromagnetic waves are produced from a source.
  • What is meant by AM and F.M?
Unit 17
  • Distinguish b/w crystalline and amorphous solids.
  • Define stress and strain.
  • Define elasticity and plasticity of the material.
  • Define UTS and fracture stress.
  • What is meant by strain energy?
  • Distinguish b/w intrinsic and extrinsic semi conductors?
  • Define super conductors. Give two uses.
  • What is hysteresis loss? How is it used in the construction of transformer?
Unit 18
  • Why charge carries are not present in depletion region?
  • What is the effect of forward and reverse biasing of a diode on the width of depletion region?
  • What is net charge on N-type and P-type substances?
  • The anode of a diode is 0.2 V positive with respect to its cathode. Is it forward biased?
  • Write four applications of photo diode.
  • Why a photo diode is operated in reverse biased state?
  • Why is the base current in a transistor very small?
  • Write down the truth table of exclusive OR gate?
Unit 19
  • Give postulates of special theory of relativity.
  • As a solid is heated and being to glow. Why does it first appear red?
  • Which has the power energy quanta? Radio waves or X-Rays
  • Will bright light eject more electrons from a metal surface than dimmer light of the same colour.
  • Why do we not observe a Compton effect with visible light?
  • Can pair production take place in vacuum?
  • What advantages an electron microscope has over an optical microscope?
  • Will bright light eject more electrons from a metal surface than dimmer light of the same colour?
  • When light shines on a surface, is momentum transferred to the metal surface?
  • Which photon blue or red has greater energy and greater momentum?
Unit 20
  • Write down the postulates of Bohr’s theory.
  • Is energy converted when an atom emits a photon of light?
  • What is meant by stimulated emission?
  • Can X-ray be reflected, refracted, difracted and polarized just like any any other wave? Explain?
  • What are the advantages of laser over ordinary light?
  • What do we mean when we say that atom is excited?
Unit 21
  • What are isotopes? Give two examples.
  • Why are heavy nuclei unstable?
  • If you swallow on a-source and B source, which would be more dangerous?
  • A particle which produces more ionization is less penetrating. Why?
  • What is background radiation?
  • What is critical mass?
  • What factors make a fusion reaction difficult to achieve?
  • How can radioactivity help in the treatment of cancer?
  • Name the basic sources of nature.

Important FSc Physics Numerical Class 12

 12.4 15.3 16.9 19.10
12.10 15.6 17.1 20.7
12.12 15.11 17.3 21.2
 13.1 15.15 17.5 21.6
 13.5 16.3 18.1 21.10
 14.5 16.6 19.2

Important FSc Physics Examples Part 2

 12.4 14.1 16.1 19.1
 13.1 14.4 16.2 19.9
 13.2 14.5 17.1 21.1
 13.3 14.6 18.1 21.3
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